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Decision Asset Manager

Who is a Decision Asset Manager?

As a Decision Asset Manager, I am responsible for curating a library of decision assets in a form usable by other roles. My work involves identifying reusable assets that arise during other parts of the DI workflow, or as standalone efforts outside that scope. I also ensure that these assets are available to those who need them.

The assets I create are accessed by Decision Model Builders, DI Analysts, and Decision Simulation Builders. They are typically used by Decision Model Builders, DI analysts, Decision Simulation Builders, Decision Monitor Builders, and Decision Monitors.

The assets that I work with are used both in the time frame before a decision is made, as well as after the decision is made.

User Stories

  1. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to curate the asset library, so that I may ensure that assets are of high quality, are up-to-date, and are otherwise fit for purpose.
  2. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to add new assets to the asset library, so that other roles have more tools at their disposal.
  3. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to update existing assets so that the asset library maintains relevance and quality.
  4. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to remove existing assets so that assets that are low quality, outdated, or otherwise unfit for purpose do not clutter the asset library.
  5. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to track, document, and verify the provenance of assets, so that I can further ensure the accuracy, legitimacy, and quality of the assets in the library.
  6. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to characterize computational and related resources in asset metadata, so that I can ensure assets are able to facilitate simulation.
  7. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to maintain subject-matter awareness of what is available in the asset library, so that I can more easily curate the library and better advise other roles in asset selection.
  8. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to communicate the availability of assets in the asset library, so that other roles can easily access and utilize them.
  9. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to communicate and enforce metadata compliance of assets in the library, so that it is easier for everyone to navigate and better utilize the asset library.
  10. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to package multiple assets into groups, so that frequently-combined assets are easier to discover and utilize.
  11. As a Decision Asset Manager, I want to access and incorporate assets from other libraries maintained by other individuals or organizations, so that I can enrich the asset library that I maintain.